For those planning to renovate this summer

What should you pay attention to if you plan to renovate in the summer?

In the case of district-heated apartments and buildings, it is possible to carry out maintenance and renovations and replace measuring devices outside the heating season.

We have written several times that in the case of district heating systems, ownership determines the tasks:

  • The district heating service provider is responsible for maintaining the operational status of the boiler houses, transmission line networks and heat centers up to the “supply point” of the buildings.

  • The condominium owns the building’s internal wiring and fittings, including the heating equipment in the common space.

  • The owner of the flat is responsible for ensuring that the radiators, radiator valves, domestic hot water (DHW) branches and fittings are in a condition suitable for use.

It is important to contact the customer service of the district heating before starting the work, in the planning phase, for radiator replacements and conversions in district-heated homes.

Based on the available information, the district heating service provider reviews and approves the planned conversions, and also provides advice on radiator selection and installation work.

It can prevent the unpleasant situation where a specialist is on the way but the necessary conditions are not yet in place. If you are planning a renovation in the near future, you should contact us as soon as possible.

I would also like to point out that in cost-sharing buildings, those devices are managed and operated by another company on behalf of the condominium, so it is necessary to consult with them in the case of replacing the radiators

Why do you need the consent of the district heating company if you are working on a system that is not owned by the district heating company?

There are several reasons – and it is also required by law.

The heating system is a very complex network in which the flow and pressure conditions can easily be upset. I can most compare it to when someone starts washing dishes in the kitchen while taking a shower – they turn on the hot water – meanwhile the water in the shower turns cold.

Therefore, if a larger radiator, a different type of radiator valve, and fittings were installed during the conversion, the balance could be upset. This can result in one radiator inside the building (or even the apartment) providing heat, while the other is lukewarm.

So what exactly is the process?

First of all, the ideas must be defined (what kind of maintenance, when, with which specialist, in which building is planned).

Secondly, the above-mentioned consultation and approval must be carried out with the district heating provider (customer service provides an information sheet and consultation data sheet on this).

Thirdly, the owner informs the manager of the condominium well in advance of his intention. The house manager’s task is to notify the other owners, to coordinate the needs, and he can ask the service provider to drain the system after approx. for a period of two weeks.

In conclusion: after the work is completed, the system will be recharged by the district heating provider at the posted time. It is important to check that the network is not running in every apartment at this time, because serious problems can arise from the lack of it! The owner of the defect site is responsible for the resulting damage.