Settlement of accounts

Our consumers receive the annual account of the district heating service at the beginning of August every year.

This is based on two heat consumptions (i.e. heat charges):

  • according to the difference between the heating heat fee paid in advance for the period from July of the previous year to June of this year and the actual heat consumption according to the division received back from the condominium managers,

  • for the period January to June of this year, the difference between the advance payment and the actual hot water consumption as measured by the water meter.

Heating is therefore accounted for over a one-year period, while hot water is accounted for over a six-month period.

Hot water billing will of course only take place where there is a flat-rate monthly payment.

Due to the milder winters, buildings have generally consumed less heat for heating – with a few exceptions, of course – so many people will get a refund on the advance payment.

According to the law, the amount below HUF 3,000 will not be refunded, but will be deducted from the amount of the next invoice.

We proceed in the same way for those who stated that we can deduct the refund amount from their accounts, and for those who have an overdue debt, we use the balance of the settlement to settle it.

Those to whom the settlement is actually to be paid will receive the amount either by post or by bank transfer in the same way as the payment method.

In August, the first partial bill for the new season will be sent along with the annual statement, so there will be two bills for district heating this month!