Energy efficiency solutions

Financing without own resources (ESCO)

ESCO financing offers the advantage that the Client pays the ESCO company without requiring any initial capital. This payment is made from the savings resulting from an energy-efficient system and expert operation.

ESCO stands for Energy Serving Company or Energy Saving Company.

In the context of an ESCO project, the Client and the ESCO enterprise enter into a long-term contract to ensure the heat supply for buildings. The responsibilities of the heat energy provider include implementing the necessary investments for guaranteed heat supply and operating the installed equipment throughout the specified contract duration. Additionally, the ESCO company is also responsible for procuring the energy carrier and accurately billing the heat energy consumption. For ESCOs providing heat services, there are no additional costs beyond the charges (base fee and heat fee), such as renovation, maintenance, or repairs, burdening our clients.

Our clients do not need to contribute any self-financing towards the financing of energy supply equipment; we cover it entirely.

The refurbished energy service equipment remains the property of the company during the contract period.

On average, energy efficiency contracts have a duration of 5 to 20 years.

Installation of solar panels

On the occasion of our solar panel installation activity, we carry out an analysis of the site, revealing the technical and economic possibilities, challenges; comprehensive expert advice with a focus on energy savings; mapping of financing options; planning, licensing, installation, constant supervision, and regular maintenance, and in addition, the optimization of the photovoltaic equipment for the long term to ensure maximum long-term performance.

We ensure our customers the production of their own renewable energy, the reduction of the ecological footprint and the increase of sustainability.

Modernization of lightning

Lighting modernization is one of the fastest-paying investments, for which a TAO discount can now be used. Lighting modernization is one of the fastest-paying, sooner or later unavoidable investments, for which a TAO discount can now be used.

We recommend making an investment if the LED lighting transition has not yet taken place, or the current lighting is insufficient, non-standard, or maintenance costs are high, maintenance is problematic, work is done in at least 1 shift, and therefore also the use of lamps, and have at least 100 lamps (tube lamps, hall lighting) available.

Where should the investment be made?

  • in production halls,
  • in warehouses,
  • in assembly plants,
  • in case of outdoor lighting,
  • in offices with false ceilings.

Energy audit

According to EU Directive 2012/27 Act LVII of 2015 on Energy Efficiency requires large Hungarian companies to perform an energy audit. An important provision of the Act is that large companies must repeat the audit every four years.

The Act stipulates that large companies must register by June 30 of each year on the interface created on the website of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority.

Pursuant to the legislation, all companies that employ more than 250 people, or have an annual net sales revenue of more than 50 million euros, or a balance sheet total of 43 million euros are obliged to undergo an energy audit. The purpose of the audit is to assess at which points the energy consumption of the company concerned can be optimized, how efficiency-enhancing elements or even renewable energy can be integrated into the system.

The energy audit is a procedure carried out using a specific method, the aim of which is to get to know the energy consumption profile of your company and, with the knowledge of the necessary information, to determine and quantify the cost-effective energy saving opportunities, after which we report on the results.

In the long term, the companies involved can reduce their costs, increase their energy efficiency, and improve their competitiveness.

During the energy audit, we carry out the data collection, prepare the report, provide consultation opportunities, as well as smooth communication, mapping of energy saving opportunities, exploration of options to increase energy efficiency.

Our company has nearly 20 years of experience in the Hungarian energy market, and nearly 250 customers have chosen our flexible, safe and environmentally friendly solutions in recent years.

Energy expert reference service

According to the amendment of Government decree No. 122/2015 (V. 26.) on energy efficiency valid form 21st of December, 2016 business organizations are required to use an energy specialist as follows:

The business organization whose average annual energy consumption in the 3 years prior to the current year exceeds the

  • 400,000 kWh of electricity or
  •  100,000 m3 of natural gas
  •  3,400 GJ of heat.

Within the scope of the energy expert reference service, we provide professional monitoring and advice when conducting regular audits, proposing energy-efficient operational solutions, mapping energy efficiency development opportunities, preparing monthly and annual reports on energy consumption, the effects of implemented developments, energy procurement and energy security performing tasks.

Take a look at our references