EQUANS Magyarország Kft. - District heating of Kőszeg


Disclosure obligation

● Primary energy conversion factor and share of renewable energy in district heating for a hydraulically integrated district heating system, based on production data for 2019 – only in Hungarian (pdf)

● Provision of data for 2020 according to § 6/A of Decree 7/2006 (V.24) TNM on the determination of the energy performance of buildings – only in Hungarian (pdf)

Tszt. 57/C. § (1) – Law on District heating services

a.Agreements between a district heating supplier and a district heating producer for the purpose of heat purchase and price fixing
  • It has its own district heating production units.
b.Agreement between a district heating provider and a local authority for the provision of a public service in the local authority area
  • It does not operate on the basis of an agreement, but on its own production and service system.
c.Agreement between a district heating supplier and a local authority on heat supply and pricing
  • Local regulations: district heating for residential use is at the official price.
  • There are no price fixing agreements other than local regulations.

Tszt. 57/C. § (4) Law on District heating services

a.Business rules
b.Information about handling user complaints
c.Availability of relevant consumer protection bodies and user social interest representatives
d.The data of the previous financial year in a form in accordance with the Act on Accounting
e.Information specified in separate legislation
f.The terms and conditions of subsidies related to the district heating service available in the service area of ​​the district heating provider, details of tendersGrants for projects
Municipal grants
Decree 7.2014 2015.III.1 Kőszeg Subsidies – only in Hungarian (pdf)

Law on District heating services – Tszt. Appendix 3 26.3. additional data included in point:

a.Information related to the management of a district heating service provider, influencing the official prices of the district heating service, available at the company court or other public information that does not constitute a business secretCompany extract:http://www.e-cegjegyzek.hu/index.html
b.The availability of the register of organisations carrying out certification of the energy performance of buildings pursuant to Article 9 of Government Decree 176/2008 (VI. 30.) on the certification of the energy performance of buildings in the area of operation, as well as the register of organisations designated or accredited under a separate law to carry out energy audits and energy services, and the availability of measures and programmes to improve energy efficiency


Please click on the link here and you will immediately be taken to the page where you can request a list of auditors. In the middle of the page that appears, under the field “Field of expertise”, select one of the following categories from the drop-down menu: “TÉ”, “ENt-Szk” or “Ent-Sz” and start the search.


Please click on the link below to go to the Chamber’s website, where you will find the page you need. In the middle of the page that appears, under the “Eligibility” field, select the category “EI – Energy certification” in Hungarian ” TÉ – Energetikai tanúsítói jogosultság”  from the drop-down menu and start the search.

c.Annex 3, 26.3.9. the contact details of energy consumer advisory or advocacy organisations (including their websites) in the area of operation that can provide information on energy efficiency improvement measures and programmes, energy consumption benchmarks and specifications for reducing the consumption of energy-using equipment.

Annex 4 to the Implementing Regulation (Vhr.):